As the name suggests, Council was born from the notion of collaboration—its collections reflect the contributions of designers from around the world. We produce singular pieces, and aim to make each one the purest expression of its original design concept. Council’s collection is created for a discerning customer that values quality, craftsmanship, authenticity, and, above all, good design.
The Council story began in November of 2006, when its founder, designer Derek Chen, found himself puzzled that there were so few American companies represented among the leaders in international design. Six sleepless months later Council’s debut collection launched at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF) in New York. The following year Council showed collections in New York and at the Milan Furniture Fair, and a year later found itself the recipient of the coveted ICFF Editors Award for Furniture. Still only four years young, Council has great expectations for the future, and we look forward to bringing you great design for years to come.
Design aficionados rarely have any difficulty spotting Scandinavian design, Italian design, and American mid-century classics. But what is modern American design? We think we have found it in the way we curate our collection. The collection itself is a melting pot of pieces by designers from around the world. Council pieces are equally at home with American and European design classics, but we think they express a uniquely American point of view.
Council considers our earth’s limited resources in the development of its collection. Whenever possible we choose FSC-certified forest products, local resources over, powder coating over high-VOC paints, and recycled/renewable materials for our production. We are proud of our commitment to making the best available choices and will strive to continue to improve. We invite you to ask us about the materials and processes that go into your pieces.